whatevers on my mind
screwed stories
Flash Movies
contact me


August 11th 2005
We are currently having some difficulties with the playing of the flash toons, the website maybe be down or not updated for a few days if we need 2 rearange a few things. If u have an ideas on why the toons r not playing please contact me at Chris_Pain44@hotmail.com with an email titled https://randomblog.tripod.com/ so i no wat it is and do not mark it as junk. Thank you,

August 10th 2005
Welcome to the crew chris! this is a good day for the site... I have released a new movie with the corny title of "pikaman, the journey begins" its a spoof on pokemon. I have also released the next story about our friend the axe... this one is less serious then the last, but written on the spot just like the others, I took the music button off the site in order to make more room for flash toons. (these tripod people just wanna make me pay money for their extra space) so since im a cheapo... some flash movies might be removed in order to make room for new ones. If you want to see an old one (all titles will still be posted) then email me ( blow-your-speakers@hotmail.com ) for any old toons, you may also email me if there is any trouble playing the flash toons and I will send you any toons you need so you can watch them.

August 10th 2005
Chris has now become a Recruit! If u are interested in becoming one aswell. Contact 'The Creator'...at
*not everyone can apply, skill testing question required.
Some conditions and rules apply, see
blow-your-speakers@hotmail.com for more infomation.
**All content is copy righted by law, and reproduction of this or any other page under https://randomblog.tripod.com/ is prohibitly forbidden by law. $100,000 dollar fine...AMERICAN! 

July 31st 2005
Flash toon out! hamster tales episode one is out today... sorry if the text is too fast... it will never happen again, i promise =D

July 30th 2005
Flash page opened!
I have opened up a flash page to show that you dont have to be a good artist to make a flash movie... In my case it might help a little... but who cares... give me flash movie feedback in the guestbook, or the contact me page
I've also published the first story on the story page

July 29 2005
if youre reading this... youre probably thinking... well... duh, the site is obviously open if im here. But its a big deal for me... because this site was harder to put together than you think. (all my hard work and toil... so many finger sores from typing =( ) if youre here, whether on purpose or by accident, look around, it wont kill you. (i made sure during construction of this site) so, enjoy the site where you will venture into my twisted mind. =S


next flash movie- into the wild
0% done
Next story- the story i made up on the spot part three
30% done

from the twisted works of my mind

if i thought of it... its here